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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Independent Dental Hygienist in Ottawa | Elaine Russell of Kanata Dental Hygiene

Independent dental hygienists were made legal in September 2007 in Ontario.

The Government of the province of Ontario passed Bill 171 to give Ontario citizens the choice to go to get basic dental health care from a dental hygienist when they saw that many without insurance coverage were opting out of getting dental care. Ongoing dental maintenance reaps huge health benefits longterm for individuals.

Elaine Russell already a registered hygienist in Ottawa was one of the first to set up shop as an independent. She herself entered the industry of dental care to help ensure that people have a good experience with their dental health as opposed to what she had had growing up. She calls herself a dental phobe.
Independent dental hygienists have their own fee schedule different from dentists. Overall, their fees are a lot lower, making the barrier to entry more accessible to people from all walks of life.

If the hygienist sees that there are health issues in the teeth or mouth that need the care of a dentist they will refer them to see one. Other than that, it is no longer necessary to visit a dentist's office for annual visits.
If you are in the Kanata area of Ottawa, check out Elaine Russell at Kanata Dental Hygiene for your preventative dental care, teeth whitening needs or even for a second opinion.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Car Sales Techniques to Sell More Cars

Selling more cars is top of mind for any car dealership and car sales person. Automotive dealers spend millions on advertising both online and offline to get their brand out in front of everyone all the time.

Sometimes, honing in the profssional skills a sales team needs gets a great ROI as well. While new media is all about extending your reach to gain trust and visibility as a market leader, the personal skills of connecting and relating to the customer is what will convert sales leads in the end. It is essential for sales people to always be honing in their skills.

This video with Broadway performer Cindy Ashton, is a spoken voice trainer and coach that helps businesses boost their bottom line profits through voice training.

Tips to Sell More Cars

Cindy demonstrates specific exercises to do to ensure you are magnetic rather than repelling to your prospects. She works with people to get out of their stress and into their bodies to free the speaking voice. When this is accomplished people speak with ease and come accross as trustworthy.

After working with Cindy, business owners and corporate sales teams see immediate results in their conversions and customer satisfaction.

If you want to sell more cars in your Ottawa dealership, listen carefully or even contact Cindy and she will have you rockin it in no time. The car sales techniques are in the video so make sure you watch it all. You may even find a pot of gold at the end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Best used car dealers ottawa. Watch this search video on Hangouts on air as we demonstrate to car dealerships what may be possible for them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ottawa Food Trucks Hangout Test

This week I was in a Hangout on air with a group of marketers doing some testing, Part of the test was on the Ottawa Food Trucks playlist that is on my channel Ottawa BuzzTV.
Essentially we were talking about it on the HOA with a group of people.
I wanted to test it on my own a few days later and did it a few days later on a hangout by myself and will see what happens to it in the days to come. I will add my description etc after it marinates a little while.

What is really cool about this playlist is that it is a series of interviews with many of the new Ottawa Food Truck owners that hit the streets of Ottawa this summer. Ottawa is a perfect place to have so many street food vendors because we pretty well have a different festival running somewhere in the city on any different weekend of the year.